WAPG 5 Collision Hit Detection DOM Programming JavaScript Tutorial
Learn collision and hit detection in the DOM. The DOM is the normal development environment. We already made collision and hit detection tutorials for the HTML5 canvas in my Canvas Bootcamp playlist, which you can find on my channel any time you want.
Example A<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
#player {
position: absolute;
top: 50px;
left: 20px;
background: #FC0;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
#thing1 {
position: absolute;
top: 75px;
left: 200px;
background: #06C;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
// Initialize some variables that our program will use
var reqID, dir;
var p, t, pw, ph, px, py, tw, th, tx, ty;
// This function will be set to repeat very fast
function detectCollisions(){
// Access the current location and dimension of both objects
pw = p.offsetWidth;
ph = p.offsetHeight;
px = p.offsetLeft;
py = p.offsetTop;
tw = t.offsetWidth;
th = t.offsetHeight;
tx = t.offsetLeft;
ty = t.offsetTop;
// Check to see if player has intersected with thing1 in any direction
if((px+pw) > tx && px < (tx+tw) && (py+ph) > ty && py < (ty+th)){
// Do anything you want in the program when collision is detected
console.log("Collision detected");
// This makes the detectCollisions() function repeat very quickly
// This function simply changes the direction the object will move
function changeDir(d) {
dir = d;
// This function moves the player(thing1)
function startAnimation() {
if( dir == "right" ) {
p.style.left = (p.offsetLeft += 2) + 'px';
} else if( dir == "left" ) {
p.style.left = (p.offsetLeft -= 2) + 'px';
reqID = window.requestAnimationFrame(startAnimation);
function stopAnimation() {
// The window load event fires this function
// This function is where you get everything ready in the program after document is fully loaded
function docReady(){
// Get object references for elements we are scripting against
p = document.getElementById("player");
t = document.getElementById("thing1");
// Start up the collision detection function
// The window load event listener
window.addEventListener("load", docReady);
<div id="player"></div>
<div id="thing1"></div>
<button onmousedown="changeDir('left'); startAnimation()" onmouseup="stopAnimation()">Left</button>
<button onmousedown="changeDir('right'); startAnimation()" onmouseup="stopAnimation()">Right</button>
Example B
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
#player {
position: absolute;
top: 50px;
left: 20px;
background: #FC0;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
.things {
position: absolute;
top: 75px;
background: #06C;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
#thing1 { left: 200px; }
#thing2 { left: 300px; }
#thing3 { left: 400px; }
// Initialize some variables that our program will use
var reqID, dir;
var p, t, pw, ph, px, py, tw, th, tx, ty;
// This function will be set to repeat very fast
function detectCollisions(){
/* Loop over the array to access each element in -
the array one by one in succession */
for(i = 0; i < t.length; i++){
// Access the current location and dimension of both objects
pw = p.offsetWidth;
ph = p.offsetHeight;
px = p.offsetLeft;
py = p.offsetTop;
tw = t[i].offsetWidth;
th = t[i].offsetHeight;
tx = t[i].offsetLeft;
ty = t[i].offsetTop;
// Check to see if player has intersected with this element in any direction
if((px+pw) > tx && px < (tx+tw) && (py+ph) > ty && py < (ty+th)){
// Do anything you want in the program when collision is detected
console.log("Collision detected with "+t[i].id);
// This makes the detectCollisions() function repeat very quickly
// This function simply changes the direction the object will move
function changeDir(d) {
dir = d;
// This function moves the player(thing1)
function startAnimation() {
if( dir == "right" ) {
p.style.left = (p.offsetLeft += 2) + 'px';
} else if( dir == "left" ) {
p.style.left = (p.offsetLeft -= 2) + 'px';
reqID = window.requestAnimationFrame(startAnimation);
function stopAnimation() {
// The window load event fires this function
// This function is where you get everything ready in the program after document is fully loaded
function docReady(){
// Get object references for elements we are scripting against
p = document.getElementById("player");
t = document.getElementsByClassName("things");
// Start up the collision detection function
// The window load event listener
window.addEventListener("load", docReady);
<div id="player"></div>
<div id="thing1" class="things"></div>
<div id="thing2" class="things"></div>
<div id="thing3" class="things"></div>
<button onmousedown="changeDir('left'); startAnimation()" onmouseup="stopAnimation()">Left</button>
<button onmousedown="changeDir('right'); startAnimation()" onmouseup="stopAnimation()">Right</button>