Real Time GPS User Tracking Geolocation API JavaScript Programming
Track location, speed, heading and altitude in real-time or as a one shot request for a user. Add the pieces of data to your database, then recall the data when needed to show their position markers on a map of your choosing.
<div id="details"></div>
// map.innerHTML = '<iframe width="700" height="300" src="'+latitude+','+longitude+'&z=15&output=embed"></iframe>';
var reqcount = 0;
navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
function successCallback(position) {
const { accuracy, latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, speed } = position.coords;
// Show a map centered at latitude / longitude.
details.innerHTML = "Accuracy: "+accuracy+"<br>";
details.innerHTML += "Latitude: "+latitude+" | Longitude: "+longitude+"<br>";
details.innerHTML += "Altitude: "+altitude+"<br>";
details.innerHTML += "Heading: "+heading+"<br>";
details.innerHTML += "Speed: "+speed+"<br>";
details.innerHTML += "reqcount: "+reqcount;
function errorCallback(error) {
var options = {
//enableHighAccuracy: false,
//timeout: 5000,
//maximumAge: 0