Gyroscope API Device Angle Velocity JavaScript Programming Tutorial
In this exercise we'll explore and use the JavaScript Gyroscope API. There are sensors in devices such as phones and tablets, but not limited to just phones and tablets, in which developers can monitor the rate of rotation around the device's three primary axes. This is how we program things in our applications to move or happen according to the rotational angles that the person is moving their device along the X, Y and Z axis. The numeric data we receive is radian per second which represents the angular velocity.
<!-- -->
position: absolute;
border-radius: 100%;
outline: #FFF dashed 20px;
background: radial-gradient(#fff7a7,#ffd100);
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
left: 45%;
top: 35%;
transition: left 0.2s linear, top 0.2s linear, transform 0.2s linear;
<div id="report_box"></div>
<div id="ball"></div>
let sensor = new Gyroscope();
let x, y, z, report;
sensor.onreading = () => {
report = "X-axis Angle Velocity: " + sensor.x + "<br>";
report += "Y-axis Angle Velocity: " + sensor.y + "<br>";
report += "Z-axis Angle Velocity: " + sensor.z + "<br>";
report += "Ball current X = "+ball.offsetLeft+"<br>";
report += "Ball current Y= "+ball.offsetTop+"<br>";
report += "Ball current Rotation= "+z+"deg<br>";
report_box.innerHTML = report;
x = sensor.x * 100;
y = sensor.y * 100;
z = sensor.z * -33; = (ball.offsetLeft + x)+"px"; = (ball.offsetTop - y)+"px"; = "rotate("+z+"deg)";
sensor.onerror = errorHandler;
function errorHandler(event){
console.log(, event.error.message);