Custom Confirm Box Programming Tutorial

Published :
Author :
Adam Khoury
Learn to create custom confirm boxes using core JavaScript and CSS. We supply handy tips for using the custom confirm box to perform specific operations via Ajax. We also show how to externalize your JS and CSS for improved modularity and compartmentalization. This tutorial follows the custom alert box programming tutorial, which individuals should view if they wish to fully comprehend code applied to this tutorial. example.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="dialog.css"> <script src="dialog.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="dialogoverlay"></div> <div id="dialogbox"> <div> <div id="dialogboxhead"></div> <div id="dialogboxbody"></div> <div id="dialogboxfoot"></div> </div> </div> <p id="post_1"> Today is a lovely day ... <button onclick="Confirm.render('Delete Post?','delete_post','post_1')">Delete</button> </p> <p id="post_2"> I like pickles ... <button onclick="Confirm.render('Delete Post?','delete_post','post_2')">Delete</button> </p> <button onclick="Alert.render('Hello World')">Custom Alert</button> </body> </html> dialog.js function CustomAlert(){ this.render = function(dialog){ var winW = window.innerWidth; var winH = window.innerHeight; var dialogoverlay = document.getElementById('dialogoverlay'); var dialogbox = document.getElementById('dialogbox'); = "block"; = winH+"px"; = (winW/2) - (550 * .5)+"px"; = "100px"; = "block"; document.getElementById('dialogboxhead').innerHTML = "Acknowledge This Message"; document.getElementById('dialogboxbody').innerHTML = dialog; document.getElementById('dialogboxfoot').innerHTML = '<button onclick="Alert.ok()">OK</button>'; } this.ok = function(){ document.getElementById('dialogbox').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none"; } } var Alert = new CustomAlert(); function deletePost(id){ var db_id = id.replace("post_", ""); // Run Ajax request here to delete post from database document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById(id)); } function CustomConfirm(){ this.render = function(dialog,op,id){ var winW = window.innerWidth; var winH = window.innerHeight; var dialogoverlay = document.getElementById('dialogoverlay'); var dialogbox = document.getElementById('dialogbox'); = "block"; = winH+"px"; = (winW/2) - (550 * .5)+"px"; = "100px"; = "block"; document.getElementById('dialogboxhead').innerHTML = "Confirm that action"; document.getElementById('dialogboxbody').innerHTML = dialog; document.getElementById('dialogboxfoot').innerHTML = '<button onclick="Confirm.yes(\''+op+'\',\''+id+'\')">Yes</button> <button onclick="">No</button>'; } = function(){ document.getElementById('dialogbox').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none"; } this.yes = function(op,id){ if(op == "delete_post"){ deletePost(id); } document.getElementById('dialogbox').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none"; } } var Confirm = new CustomConfirm(); dialog.css #dialogoverlay{ display: none; opacity: .8; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; background: #FFF; width: 100%; z-index: 10; } #dialogbox{ display: none; position: fixed; background: #000; border-radius:7px; width:550px; z-index: 10; } #dialogbox > div{ background:#FFF; margin:8px; } #dialogbox > div > #dialogboxhead{ background: #666; font-size:19px; padding:10px; color:#CCC; } #dialogbox > div > #dialogboxbody{ background: #333; padding:20px; color:#FFF; } #dialogbox > div > #dialogboxfoot{ background: #666; padding:10px; text-align:right; }